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  1. Luis Rivera says:

    Greetings! We have recently started our new sliding door repair company and came across this article.

    Really appreciate you taking the time to educate us on the topic of DIY repair. You present a really good and thorough guide on this. After all, as I have said to some of my clients, there are a number of sliding door repairs that you can really do yourself with the right tools or even prevent these problems from ever coming up with regular maintenance.

    Very engaging content, thank you!

  2. Sharee Crossfield says:

    Wow, this is a really comprehensive guide on how to fix your glass door. It really makes me appreciate your recommendation to keep up that simple maintenance, like cleaning and lubricating your door’s tracks, to help avoid larger issues in the future.

    While simple issues can be fixed on your own, a larger issue like cracked glass or a ripped or bent screen might require door replacement. If it becomes necessary, check to see if you can replace just the screen door or just the glass door instead of completely installing a new set of doors and tracks.

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