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  1. Patricia White says:

    How to keep your cat from digging up the carpet from the corner of the door. Please help.

    1. Trevor Cosby says:

      That is what my cat is doing.

  2. This might actually be helpful, I’ll be buying another scratch post to put next to my door. The one we have now is downstairs and I sleep in the attic so that was she won’t have to go down when she’s already tired. Thanks!

  3. My bitch of a cat keeps waking me up at 8 in the morning & I am not a morning person, & she ought to know better.

    1. Bahaahaaa says:

      Bahaha bahahaaa 😂

  4. Kimberly grech says:

    Yeah Ashley uses horrible Termanology to describe her cat and her Behaviors… that’s horrible

    1. no it’s not horrible. i have 2 cats & i love them but i literally hate them when they meow at 2 am for an hour and scratch at my door because they aren’t allowed in. so i agree with OP they’re pretty bitchy and annoying and they need to fuck off or they’re gonna get smacked

  5. Christine says:

    My cat won’t stop even when I have tried all these methods!
    We have always been in our own house and now are renting a apartment and she is gonna ruin the door
    She picks and picks and won’t listen any other tips would be helpful

    1. I have 2 . Brother and sister. They take turns between 4 and 6 am waking me up at the door or my walk jumping on the dresser. I was in a large house with a big basement they had for the night. But now renting too with no basemt to have them sleep overnight. Its awful 😞I’ve bought and returned SO many toys , double sided taped my door nothing works

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