How to Clean Inside Double Glazed Windows? (Step-By-Step Guide)

How to Clean Inside Double Glazed Windows? (Step-By-Step Guide)

Double-glazed windows are a great way to make your home more energy-efficient. They help to reduce condensation and mold and block out noise. However, they are an expensive investment and you want to keep them in the best condition by cleaning them regularly. But what is the best way to clean inside double-glazed windows? In…

How to Hang Plants in Front of Window? (10 Clever & Easy Ways)

How to Hang Plants in Front of Window? (10 Clever & Easy Ways)

Hanging indoor plants improves indoor beauty, aesthetics, and air quality while saving you a lot of space. Whether it’s because you have a confined space or you want to create a different and unique aesthetic in your home, hanging plants is an innovative and attractive way to show off your favorite plants.   Besides hanging…

How To Unlock A Sliding Glass Window From The Outside? (Fast And Easy Steps)

How To Unlock A Sliding Glass Window From The Outside? (Fast And Easy Steps)

We all ensure that our houses are our safe haven, where an intruder will not pose a grave threat to our families. We deck out every window and door with sophisticated security systems and reliable locks. However, there are times when they work against us. In the most unfortunate times that you don’t have the…

How to Block Sunlight Heat from Windows? (Easy And Cheap Ways)

How to Block Sunlight Heat from Windows? (Easy And Cheap Ways)

Imagine sunshine coming through the windows in its full glory and warming up the bedroom to the perfect temperature for you to finally throw away the blankets. Sounds like an ideal winter morning! Sadly, the situation is the opposite in summer. The sun’s heat is almost scorching and unbearable. It is especially true for Florida,…